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New Malden

We are so glad to be engaged in the community. We've been volunteering in gardening for various local organizations as well as the open space in New Malden, such as Jubilee Square.

In the future, as a Community Interest Company (C.I.C.), we will be more active in curating cultural exchange events, such as farm-to-table sharing and skills workshops. We are also exploring more community spaces for New Malden fellows to grow their own food, making New Malden a more environmentally and socially sustainable home.

Please get in touch if you are interested in collaborating with us!

我們很榮幸能在 New Malden 社區推動共同耕種的理念 :) 在過去兩年,我們定期向環保中心、花藝會等地區組織提供義工服務,主要跟進園藝工作,以及爭取區內更多綠化和耕作空間。最近我們在 Jubilee Square 公共空間增設了共耕點,歡迎大家報名成為義工!

身為非牟利、以社區為本的 C.I.C.,我們會繼續舉辦更多與耕作相關的文化交流活動,例如是「從農場到餐桌」試食會和種植工作坊。我們同時正在物色區內可供共同耕種的地方,希望和 New Malden 街坊一起實踐社群共融的環保生活。


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